Sunday, March 21, 2010


Look at this asshole. 

You sir, David Hume, can take your Problem of Induction and shove it up your ass. Little did you know at the young age of 26 that by writing that trilogy of bullshit I'd be wasting a perfectly decent Sunday night trying to explain it in a paper to someone who wears windbreaker sweaters every damn day. I don't care what you wrote. I don't care how it influenced America's founders. It's not like it matters anymore anyway. So there. I said it. I don't like you Hume, not one bit right now.

I feel a little better. I still have three pages to go though. *Shakes fist in the air*

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Another Day, Another Dollar

I hate teenagers. One thing I hate more than teenagers are "future professionals" which are basically the same annoying creatures but with suits and skirts on. Their professional appearance does nothing to hamper their thirst for sugary, calorie loaded concoctions that would give the average person a stroke.

I digress. No, no I don't. Why we don't just get a machine instead of making them all individually baffles me. People don't care about these beverages being handmade, they just want them as delicious and as speedy as they do in the drive thru. I used to get stressed before this job, like, flustered when there was a long line I couldn't keep up with. But with age I guess comes a calming sense of resignation. You're sweating, rushing around, restocking, washing, making drinks, and you look up and see that the line has not dwindled, that people are still waiting, and it's okay. They can wait. I've got my sanity to look out for and I'm not losing it over some Java Chip Frapp. Or twelve.

You know what puts my sanity at risk? Flying pitchers of Black Tea. I was doing my thing and before I know it there's a Black Tea Pitcher all up in my grill spilling it's contents all over the counter and down my front. It looked like I pissed myself and, for a moment, I thought I was going to. Everyone was sighing and shaking their head and I'm just running the playback in my head reassuring myself it wasn't my fault.

It's okay though because later it happened again and, this time, I was innocently standing over the sink.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Too much time

I think I really just need to go to bed but I've just spent the last 4 hours doing NOTHING and am now paying for it with guilt so deep that I feel like my only solution is to do something...anything really. Origami. Crosswords. Sudoku. Homework. Not homework, I think I've done enough of that today as it robbed me of my nap earlier and I'm feeling a little spiteful. I got home from class around 6:30, sat down and then merely contemplated going outside but deemed it unsafe because there are people running around out there in their greenest attire and they ARE ALL DRUNK *deep breath*. No I'm sure their not all drunk but I did feel a twinge of envy and I would've far rather been out there enjoying a drink or four instead of sitting through three hours of thermodynamic hell. I don't exactly know how I ended up taking physics. I think it was just because a friend of mine was taking it and you can't play wicked games of Connect the Dots against yourself...not saying that I've tried or anything...

Oh hell, the day is almost over.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Japanese Housewives

So I think I'm going to briefly postpone my post about "Heart of Darkness" until I get done completely re-reading it. But until then...

Here's an article that struck my interest.

Now yesterday I had just met with the japanese women at my old church for a going away party. I hadn't seen these women in over a year and was delighted to see new faces. My mom and a couple other women from the church meet weekly with a group of japanese ladies to work on their conversational English skills. My mom doesn't know japanese but these ladies are already pretty proficient with english words but lacking the space to put them into context. Yesterday was so much fun. They are all very friendly and so polite and some that I pegged as mid 20's turned out to be mid-30's, they were so bubbly. It's just a space and a time that they can have conversations in english and feel comfortable, opposed to a busy superstore or over the phone with a stranger. All of the women have come here with their husbands who work for japanese corporations and spend most of their days alone with their children. They meet alot with other japanese women for camaraderie and then see their husbands for only a few hours every evening as they all work close to 12 hour days. It is so far off from my perception of family life, the kind that I was raised with, that it's jolting to the mind. I was raised with a working father and a stay at home mom with a part time job. She was always available and I saw my dad when he came home around 5 every night. For them though, they say goodbye to their husbands in the morning, take their kids to school and then....I don't know. They run errands, meet with other women, clean, get the kids from school, make dinner, etc. Then their kids don't see their father unless they wake up early enough in the morning. Their long work days seem like a point of pride for their wives, and as they went around the table comparing how much their husbands worked, one seemed almost bashful when she shared that her husband was home around five on the weekdays. When we asked why they work such long hours they explained that it's just customary to stay until the job is finished and that it's rude to just leave if someone asks something of them.

I admire these women greatly as they all seem to go through so much on their own in a foreign country and yet are still so excited and joyful. When I was talking with them, slowly, which was difficult because I tend to ramble, they just seemed so genuinely interested in what I was saying that I almost had a hard time focusing on where I was going with my thought. They enthusiastically nod and "Mmhmm....mmm....uh huh" and then wait until you're clearly done speaking before they add onto it. I couldn't get over their degree of politeness and it made me feel almost self conscious as I didn't want to offend them in any way. But mostly I just couldn't get over how friendly they all were. Once again, much respect to these women.

But I think the article above emphasizes that they might be more than just housewives.

Another interesting article.

Monday, March 8, 2010


It feels nice. I don't have a ton of projects to keep me busy so this time I can actually just sit around annoy my family members. My older brother got this really cool Mario game for the Wii which is basically an updated version of the classic Super Nintendo Mario levels. I was pretty excited about that even though my skills were...less than admirable. It's sweet though because you can have it to be multiplayers so that it's complete chaos. Hilarious chaos. Especially having mom round out the team because she kept killing me by running into me or jumping on me so she could make it to another platform. Some choice words may have been thrown.

Also, I got to take my computer to the Apple Hospital today where they reassured me that the insanely loud whirring noise coming from my Macbook was just a fan that had a little too much dust on it (hanging head in shame). So...that's very good because I think there would be a chance of me having a stroke if it turned out to be my hard drive. Talk about Eek.

I really have nothing important to share. I think that in my next post I'm going to talk about something significant. What about? I'll think on it.

Let's talk about "Heart of Darkness" and then from there either talk about the Congo (heavy), or revert back to my love for Marlon Brando via "Apocalypse Now". Or neither. Maybe we'll just talk about how awesome "Heart of Darkness" is.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


I love waking up to sunshine. What is this, day five? Six?

What's even better? I can actually breathe today and swallow without wincing. Awesome. So one more day of not doing anything except packing to go home, those are my orders. However, it's pretty much impossible for me to spend a day "relaxing",  I get antsy pretty quickly on sunny days like these. I'm not allowed outside though! Ugh. So all the curtains are drawn back and that'll just have to do for today.

I'm looking forward to this week.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Sing me to sleeeeep, I'm TIRED and IIII've GOT to go to bedddd

I can't sleep with socks on. Like, if I'm napping on the couch or in a car or anywhere then, yeah, socks are great. I just can't crawl into my bed with socks on. One time I tried and it was the most restless night in history.

The word "sock" is weird. I don't think I even like the word "sock".

I need sleep. I was hoping that by taking my socks off it would somehow signal sleeptime to my brain but no luck on that so far. So I'm just going to sit and watch tv with no socks on and see what happens.